Monday, December 14, 2020

Aryasamaj and its contribution in Sindh


(Book Read: A take home message)

Dr. Vivek Arya

I came across a book named ‘The Sindh Story’ by K R Malkani. The books is about history and culture of Sindh. The author was born in Sindh in Pre-partition era and migrated in 1947. He had many bitter memories of partition. While reading his books I learned few wonderful passages which I will like to share with the readers.

Passage no 1: Aryasamaj as the savior of Hindus.

Division in the Brahmo Samaj-Prarthna Samaj, Sadharan Samaj. Etc. - also took away the Brahmo steam. But more than these, it was its failure to combat conversions to Islam and project the power and glory of Hindu dharma that made the Brahmo Samaj a back-number well before Independence came.

‘These duel inadequacies of the Brahmo Samaj were found remedied in the Aryasamaj. When, therefore, Moorajmal, Deoomal, tharoomal and several other Amils became Muslim, and many more seemed to be on the verge of conversion, Sindhi Hindu leaders, under the duidance of Dayaram, sent urgent requests to Swami Shraddhanand in Lahore in 1893 for help.

The Punjab Aryasamaj promptly sent Pandit Lekhram Arya Musafir and Pandit Poornanand to Sindh. The two preachers did not stop at defending Hinduism; they started to ask any number, and all kind, of inconvenient questions about Islam and Christianity. The Maulvis were unused to the new situation, complete with “Shastrarth” inter-religious debates. In sheer rage they got Lekhram murdered. Many other murders followed. But the message of the Aryasamaj had caught on too well to be drowned in blood. A regular tug-of-conversion-war ensued. Many Hindus, earlier converted to Islam-including the entire community of Sanjogis—were brought back to the ancestral faith. In the process many Muslim girls also converted and married Hindus.

Passage no 2: How Aryasamaj saved Harijans in Sindh?

In upper Sindh, many Muslims visited women, advanced loans to their families, and later converted them. The local Aryasamajists hit upon an idea: they presented pigs to those Harijan families. The sight of pigs kept the Muslims away; and the income from pigs made Harijans independent of money-lenders.

To the extent that a tit called for a tat, the Aryasamaj played a useful role in Sindh. The Arya Samajists did not put up any colleges, or many schools; but they did organize many gymnasia and Kanya Sanskrit Pathshalas. They gave the Hindus a new pride. Somehow, the Aryasamaj did not attract the classes in Sindh-as it did in the Punjab. Its leading lights were Tarachand Gajra and Swami Krishanand. It was not chic to be in the conversion business; but Aryasamaj did influence Sindhi Hindu masses. It was a good service well performed.

Passage no 3: Inherent weakness of Hindus

While Premier Allah bux was positively nationalist, even Premier Sir Ghulam Hussain Hidyatullah was non-communal. He was the son of Duhlanomal of Shikarpur, who had married Hur Bibi, a Pathan girl. The two wanted to live in peace, but the shortsighted Hindu society would not let them. They, therefore, shifted to the holy peace of Hardwar, after some time, however, the pull of the home-town brought them back to Shikarpur, But once again the Hindu Society would not let them live in peace. Duhlanomal, therefore, became Muslim- to escape the Hindu taunts.

Take Home message-

While Aryasamaj not even brought lost Hindu Brothers. So called ignorant Hindus were busy in sending them away forever. This myopic vision lead to change in population census and ultimately division of country.

Start thinking wisely!

Book can be accessed at following link

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